
Become A Sponsor!

The Holstein breed is the breed of business propelling the dairy industry forward. We appreciate every company that does business with our members to help the dairy industry provide proteins for the world. Whether you offer seed, feed, technology, dairy or beef semen, farm equipment, herd health, financial services, etc., Holstein breeders can use your products and services. Now, you can share your products and services during the National Holstein Convention.

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Engage with members like these!

  • Sponsoring the National Holstein Convention provides a unique opportunity to connect with key players in the dairy industry. As a sponsor, you’ll have access to a large gathering of Holstein breeders, farmers, industry experts, and decision-makers. This environment fosters valuable networking opportunities, allowing you to build relationships, forge partnerships, and enhance your industry presence.

  • By sponsoring the convention, your brand will gain significant exposure and visibility among a targeted audience of dairy professionals and enthusiasts. With your logo prominently displayed at the event, in promotional materials, and on digital platforms, you can increase brand recognition and raise awareness of your products and services within the Holstein community and beyond.

  • Sponsoring the convention opens doors to new markets and potential customers. By showcasing your brand and products to a diverse audience of Holstein enthusiasts and industry professionals from different regions, you can expand your market reach beyond your current customer base. This exposure can lead to increased sales, brand recognition, and business partnerships in untapped territories, helping you penetrate new markets and drive overall growth for your company.

  • The convention serves as a platform to showcase your products and services directly to your target market. As a sponsor, you can set up an exhibition booth or display area to highlight your offerings, engage with potential customers, and generate leads. This hands-on experience allows attendees to interact with your brand, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of how your products can benefit their operations.

  • By sponsoring the National Holstein Convention, you contribute to the advancement of the dairy industry as a whole. Your support helps fund educational programs, workshops, and seminars providing valuable knowledge and skills to Holstein breeders and farmers. By investing in the growth and development of the industry, you position yourself as a key supporter of its progress, earning goodwill and respect from industry stakeholders.